Not much to update

December 5, 2010 at 1:57 am (otaku) (, , )

I really haven’t had much time to watch anime lately – it’s a combination of a few factors, including work, my parents visiting/attending my brother’s graduation, and social stuff.

I’ve been reading the Chinese translation of Murakami’s latest novel, 1Q84.  It’s very Murakami, and for (what I believe is) the first time ever, he’s writing a female MC.  I’m about 8 chapters in, and it’s proving a great read – despite the fact that I can’t read as fast or as easily for books in traditional Chinese, much less one translated in such a metaphorical and almost literary manner.  Not that I don’t appreciate it; it’s bringing back my Chinese education.

My parents are landing in Melbourne in a few hours, and I’ve been cleaning and hiding my Otaku stuff.  I don’t believe that being an otaku is anything to be ashamed about.  However, my parents are like Kirino’s, and consider such things a waste of time and money.  Which they probably are, it’s just that they’re highly enjoyable.  Things that I’ve hidden include:

–  Over 30 figures

–  My Hina glass

–  3 Entrails animals soft toys

–  A Pandaneko apron

–  2 Kampfer bracelets

–  1 Judgement armband

–  2 anime (WAIFU) amulets

–  1 Guitar

I considered hiding my new bass, but decided that even if I could, I would not be able to hide the amp.  My life is amazing.  I can’t hide all my books and dvds (anime/manga/comics or not) so I just gave up with that.  I figure that they wouldn’t notice anything out of the ordinary because I’ve just got SO MANY of them.

OK, rest over.  Back to cleaning…

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